Customer Service Charter

The Shire of Derby / West Kimberley is committed to the provision of timely, efficient, consistent and quality services provided by polite and helpful Officers that meet our customer's expectations.

Our aim at all times is to provide a quality service. By knowing what to expect, our customers can monitor our performance, provide feedback on how we measure up and ensure we deliver on our undertakings. We may not be able to provide complete satisfaction but we will always strive for the best possible solution.

As part of our commitment to you, we will:
• Respect, listen and care for you and your concerns
• Identify ourselves in all communication with you
• Respect your privacy and confidentiality
• Aim to communicate clearly and in plain language
• Be positive and receptive to new ideas
• Take a fair, balanced and long-term approach with our decisions
• Provide relevant and up-to-date information relating to our services via our website and publications.

Related information:

Customer Service Charter