Executive Structure

Office of the CEO

Chief Executive Officer, Amanda Dexter

Amanda Dexter

Operational Areas

  • Economic Development
  • Tourism
  • Business Development
  • Integrated Planning
  • Councillor Support & Services
  • Legal Services
  • Media/Marketing/Communications
  • People and Culture
    • Cultural Development
    • Human Resources
    • Staff Housing
    • Industrial Relations
    • Occupational Health and Safety

Asset Ownership:

  • Staff Housing
  • Council Chambers
  • Councillors Office


Corporate Services

Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Tamara Clarkson

Operational Areas

Corporate Services:

  • Finance
  • Governance
  • Customer Service & Administration – Derby 
  • Department of Transport Licensing 
  • Record Management
  • Electoral Matters
  • Cemeteries
  • Asset Management – Financial
  • Business Strategy and Reporting
  • Information and Communication Technology

Asset Ownership:

  • Derby Civic Centre
  • Administration Buildings – Derby
  • Keys


Operations and Strategic Development


Operational Areas

Community Services:

  • Community Engagement
  • Library Services
  • Event Management
  • Youth Services
  • Heritage & Cultural Services
  • Recreational Facilities
  • Aquatic Services
  • Recreation & Leisure Services
  • Ageing & Seniors
  • Disability Services
  • Community Safety & Crime Prevention
  • Grant Advice & Support

Asset Ownership:

  • Derby Swimming Pool & Water Park
  • Derby Recreation Centre & associated courts
  • Fitzroy Crossing Visitors Centre & Admin Building
  • Public Toilets
  • Derby Civic Centre
  • Fitzroy Crossing Recreation Centre & associated Courts
  • Nicholson Square Oval (Derby)
  • Parks & Gardens
  • Administration Buildings – Development Services, Derby & Fitzroy Crossing
  • Keys


Neil Hartley

Strategic Business

Director, Neil Hartley

Operational Areas

  • Port – Business Outcomes
  • Financial Sustainability
  • Future Business Planning
  • Airports  - Business Outcomes
  • Key Strategic Projects
  • Commercial Business Development
    • Major Projects
    • Leases

Asset Ownership:

  • Leased Buildings


Technical and Development Services

Director, Wayne Neate

Wayne Neate

Operational Areas

  • Technical Services
    • Mechanical Services
    • Stores
    • DRFAWA (Emergency Funding Programs)
    • Parks Gardens & Reserves
    • Road Construction and Maintenance
    • Car Parks
    • Footpaths
    • Drainage
    • Building Maintenance & Asset Management
    • Fleet Management
    • Depot Management
    • Airport & Port Operations
  • Development Services
    • Environmental Health Services
    • Planning Services
    • Building Services
    • Emergency Management
    • Waste Services
    • Ranger Services
    • Aboriginal Environmental Health Services

Asset Ownership:

  • Fitzroy Crossing & Derby Depots
  • Fitzroy Crossing & Derby Airports
  • Curtin Airport
  • Roads
  • Foot paths
  • Vehicles


Major Project

Director, Mark Davis

Operational Areas

  • Community Infrastructure Project Delivery
    • Facility Redevelopment
    • Community Amenity Improvements
    • Precinct Revitalisation
  • Community and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Acquisition and Management of Major Funding
  • Precinct Master Planning


Asset Ownership

  • Fitzroy Service Workers Camp