About Council Rates

Rates information for 2024/25 will be made available here once rates are finalised. 

Budget Overview

Each year local governments in Western Australia must prepare an annual budget in the format prescribed by the Local Government Act 1995. The general rates for the financial year are determined by Council on the basis of raising the revenue required to meet the deficiency between the total estimated expenditure proposed in the budget and the estimated revenue to be received from all sources other than rates.

The Shire continues to maximise grant opportunities from State and Federal Government and leverage as much income as possible from sources other than rates. Alternative funding sources reduce the amount required to be levied from rates and ensures the best value for money for ratepayers.

In preparing the draft budget, officers have used the Council’s Integrated Planning and Reporting documents such as the Strategic Community Plan, Corporate Business Plan, Long Term Financial Plan, Workforce Plan and various Asset Management Plans previously adopted by Council to prioritise budget submissions and new initiatives.

The Shire of Derby/West Kimberley 2024/25 Budget can be found here.

The Emergency Services Levy is explained here.

Have you changed your address?

If you have recently changed your postal address, or other contact details, please email the changes to sdwk@sdwk.wa.gov.au

Please notify your change of address even if you have a postal redirection order in place, as the Shire receives no advice of this from Australia Post.

Register for e-Rates

You can now receive your rate notices via email. To register for this service please email rates@sdwk.wa.gov.au – quoting your assessment number and email address.

Your Rates Explained

Wondering how your rates are calculated? Wondering what makes rates go up? Visit the website here for more information.