Community Grants Program

Without the events, activities and projects run by our local community and not-for profit organisations our communities would not be the vibrant, engaged places they are. To help support these groups make their ideas a reality the Shire offers cash and in-grant grants of up to $5,000 per annum through the Community Development Grants program.
Projects funded through this program should enhance community participation, wellbeing and have a demonstrated wide community benefit. They should also align with the community priorities identified in the Shires Strategic Community Plan located on the Strategies, Plans and Reports Page. Projects can fall into areas such as arts and culture, education, sport and recreation, youth, seniors, health and welfare, tourism and not-for-profit business development.
Have an idea you’d like to explore? Have a look at the program guidelines then speak to one of the Shire’s Community Development Officers on 9191 0999 about your idea.
Applications close on the last day of each month and must be submitted on the application form below at least four weeks prior to the start of your project. Email your application to
Helpful Resources:
Community Grant Program Guidelines
Community Grant Program Application Form
Community Grants Program Acquittal Form
Statement by Supplier