Road Safety issues being addressed

Published on Monday, 11 November 2019 at 12:00:00 AM

Road Safety issues being addressedThe Shire of Derby/West Kimberley Road Safety working group has welcomed community input into road safety issues in the Shire.

A major survey of residents was conducted earlier in the year at the Welcome to Derby Day and asked – What are your top five road safety issues.

The majority, or about 50 per cent of respondents to the survey believed cattle on the road or in the road reserve was their major road safety issue.

Other major issues raised included lack of street lighting, speeding on local streets, general road conditions – potholes, lack of shoulders and signage.

Facilities for pedestrians and cyclists were also singled out in the survey as a significant issue and many believed footpaths needed to be either installed, improved or maintained.

The Shire of Derby/West Kimberley was provided with the survey results and have been proactively working through the issues.

SDWK Executive Manager of Technical and Development Services and also Working Group Chair, Wayne Neate, said many of the issues raised were known to the Shire.

“Where issues are identified they are prioritised and funding allocated accordingly,” he said. See photo of Road Safety working group member and Councillor Chris Kloss with the newly reconstructed Knowsley Street West.

“Other issues like the stock on road is a broader issue across the Kimberley and the Shire has been working with Main Roads WA and the pastoral industry to come up with workable solutions.”

The Road Safety Working Group has been instrumental in the promotion and support of the local award winning awareness campaign – Horns and Hooves on the Highway.

The SDWK Road Safety Working group meets quarterly to discuss road safety issues in the Shire. The group is made up of Shire, Police, Main Roads WA, Department of Education, and community representatives.

The next Road Safety Working Group meeting will be held on Thursday, 6 February 2020.

For further information contact the Kimberley Road Safety Advisor Greg Hayes on 0419192759 or email

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