Shire Environmental Health Team Present on Mosquito Control Measures to Perth Conference

Published on Tuesday, 1 March 2022 at 10:16:17 AM

Image:  Evie, Senior Environmental Health Officer, and Catherine, Aboriginal Environmental

Health Coordinator, presented at the 75th WA EHA conference in Perth.

Environmental Health Australia is the premier professional body for Environmental Health officers and Environmental Health practitioners in Australia.

The Shire of Derby/West Kimberley took the opportunity to showcase successful endorsement of the Mosquito Management Plan by the Council and the plans for the future.

Evie and Catherine demonstrated the uniqueness of the Kimberley including its challenges and beauty and specifically how mosquito-borne diseases are mitigated using environmentally conducive methods, community engagement and education.


The efforts that the Aboriginal Health unit undertake were also demonstrated via the video below which encapsulates the many roles they play in controlling mosquitoes in the region:

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